On this morning, I started to realize that the trip will becoming to an end soon. We all knew that, like all things,it would have to end but the end always seemed so far away. Today was the first day of the Disrict Conference and that much closer to going home. We met at Hwalan's house and had the morning to roam the grounds. It was nice to be able to spend some time here since we really only slept here our first night. We got a chance to check our e-mail and explore the grounds. Some of us hiked down the hillside and across the river to see the baby goats. After being in the bustling city it was nice to relax in the country.
We then went to a spa resort to take part in the conference. Today's ceremony was devoted to giving awards to particular rotarians. We were happy to see the familiar faces, of our friends, which we made along our journey. We had an extravaggant buffet dinner with many distinguished rotarians from across South Korea!! After dinner and some dancing, we went back to our homestays for our final night with these families. We couldn't wait to see the rest of our friends tomorrow.
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